Tuesday, December 26, 2017

5 Things that Trigger OSHA Inspection

An OSHA inspection isn’t always predictable. The inspectors can show up at your doorstep all of a sudden and they expect you to be ready for a thorough set of checks. The purpose of this approach is so that businesses put in place strict health and safety standards and stick to them at all times.

Although an OSHA inspection can be completely random, there are also triggers that will result in a thorough inspection of your workplace. In this article, we are going to take a look at the five things that can trigger an OSHA inspection and steps you can take to prepare for the inspection that follows.

5 Common Triggers:

The most common trigger is workplace accident, especially one that involves fatalities. Severe accidents that cause serious disturbance or risk can also be a trigger to a thorough OSHA inspection. Despite the safety standards, there is still a chance a catastrophic accident may result in the death of employees.

Employee complaints are also triggers that the OSHA pay attention to quite closely. When employees complain about their wellbeing in the workplace, you can expect a team of OSHA inspectors to show up in no time.

Don’t forget that an inspection by other government agencies can also lead to an OSHA inspection. This is called a referral inspection; a situation where inspectors discover potential hazards and decide to contact the OSHA for further checking.

The fourth trigger is, well, chance. The OSHA has a program of random inspections to keep businesses and the safety standards on the field at their best. A program will select businesses at random and a team of OSHA inspectors will complete the inspection as needed.

Last but not least, there is the follow-up inspection. If you have hazards and safety violations discovered during an OSHA inspection, you can expect a follow-up inspection by the agency. The purpose of this inspection is ensuring proper measures are taken to rectify the issues.

What to Expect from an OSHA Inspection:

The actual OSHA inspection is very straightforward. The process starts with an opening conference; this is where the inspectors explain the purpose, the scope, and procedures of the inspection. The inspectors will then walk around your workplace, talk to employees, and conduct the necessary checks.

At the end of the process, you will have a closing conference. This is now done in person or on the phone, depending on the circumstance. You will be informed if there are issues to correct.

Preparing for the Inspection:

There is no better way to prepare for an OSHA inspection than implementing sufficient health and safety standards in the workplace. You need prepare your facilities, the employees, and you as the business owner for a thorough OSHA inspection. It’s essential to have a OSHA inspection plan in place to ensure success.

As daunting as it may seem, getting a visit from OSHA inspectors isn’t the end of the world. The inspection is very straightforward and the result of it will help you create a safer work environment for your entire team.

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