Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Green improvements in commercial roofing sector

With the growing concerns for our climate, the environment and the general quality of life, the roofing industry is also taking necessary steps to play their part in the preservation of our planet. With the attention increasingly shifting towards the environment, conservation of energy, and energy efficiency, one of the most important characteristics of a roofing system is to be sustainable or green.

Green roofs are experiencing a surge in popularity when it comes to commercial roofing. Companies are realizing that “going green” and being eco-friendly is both environmentally and financially favorable, so they are expanding their services to green and sustainable options which are increasingly in demand in the last few years.

In comparison with conventional roof options, there are many benefits and improvements with green roofs:

● Durability

They are extremely low maintenance, and there is significantly less or no need for repairs and replacements. A waterproofing membrane on top of which the plants are planted retains water, prevents runoff and therefore prevents moisture, leakages and erosion of the building. The membrane also serves as a protection from UV rays and it regulates the temperature, preventing the building from overheating, which means that this roof also has great insulating properties. All of this in turn increases the lifespan of the roof.

● Urban heat island effect

The ability of green roofs to soak up the heat benefits not only the building itself but also the environment. In urban areas, where there are a lot of buildings and little vegetation, there is a phenomenon called the urban heat island effect, where that area is significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas. By absorbing the heat, green roofs reduce the local air temperature and the heat island effect.
● Air quality

The more vegetation and greenery, the better the air quality. Where there is little vegetation, the air quality is significantly worse, as is the case with urban areas. And with the air pollution being at an all-time high, the need for improvement is great, for both the environment and the people’s health. Green roofs help improve the air quality by producing clean oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide and other toxins from the air.

● Energy efficiency

As they also function as insulation, both in winter and summer, green roofs will undoubtedly decrease the energy consumption and with it the utility costs. They prevent the building from heating or cooling too much, so there is far less need for air conditioning in summer and heating in winter. With less energy consumption, the emission of greenhouse gases is also lower.

Roofing systems are becoming more complex as they become more sustainable and energy efficient. New characteristics are being added and new technologies developed daily, and many of them with the goal of preserving our environment, fighting global warming and the pollution we create.

You can start by implementing some of new green elements and feeling the improvements such as durability and air quality later on. Not only will you gain credit in the public eye by being more environmentally conscious, but it will also bring you real ROI.

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